Thursday, April 8, 2010

Dating again...

my husband that is! Since we have had M, our dating life has been pretty non-existent. We have date nights at home every so often, but it is hard to relax and enjoy when there are 6 laundry baskets full of clothes waiting to be folded staring me in the face or a sink full of dishes to be done or sticky floors needing to be mopped. I have to get out of the house. We have gone out a few times without V, but since I loathe the pump, M comes with and we haven't been out totally alone in a long while.

Well, last night we went to a basketball game together. Alone together. It was fabulous! We went out to dinner before the game and as we ordered drinks, we realized that it has been nearly 4 years since we have had a drink together! FOUR YEARS, people!!! Needless to say, we enjoyed our beers together and the adult conversation. No noses to wipe, no mouths to feed, to questions to answer 75 times. FABULOUS I tell you!

It is so nice to be able to date my husband. Sometimes I think I forget how to be his wife because I am so busy being the mother to his babies. It was great to remember! We have another date planned for Saturday night and I am excited. I don't know what we are going to do, but I am giddy about it. Like when we first started dating giddy. It's sad, really, but not at the same time.

We have fallen into a "marriage rut" before, and I find that when we are in these ruts, we fight more and are just not as happy. I think it is so important to remember why we fell in love and got married and dating helps us do that.

I married an amazing man and I sometimes forget that. We have been together over 9 years and sometimes we just get to used to each other that we forget why we are together. I get so used to him working hard and taking care of us that I don't realize how hard he is working. I need to remember to thank him more often and let him know how much I appreciate him. I find that that keeps us out of our ruts a bit.

Now, though, there is a mess on the desk that I must get picked up while H works on cleaning out the garage so I can park my car in it again. The work must be done so I can relax on Saturday :)


  1. yay for date night!!! I'm so glad you got to get your sip on sista :0)

  2. date nights are so important! I'm glad you guys had a night out :)

  3. Glad you had a great time! Date nights are important, and so is remembering that you're not just a mom but also a wife. Hope you have an awesome date Saturday!

  4. Glad you're reconnecting and most of all DRINKING! ;)

    Sounds like yall are having a blast.
