Tuesday, April 20, 2010

the things that come out of my kids mouth...

are really really funny most of the time. I think I am going to update this post with the things he says that I know I will want to remember. Some of the funniest things I'm sure I have already forgotten...

The other night he was giving M hugs and kisses and said "I love you, Brother." We explained to him that he is her brother and she is his sister. Then he laid down next to her and said "I'm your sister." Totally cute!

I asked him why M was crying the other day. "M's dada ran away and she's sad."

"OH NO! Dada put a handle on the door!" He was devastated when he realized I can now lock the bedroom door :)

He woke up in the middle of the night and when I went in to him, he told me he hurt. I asked him where and he pointed to his hip. I thought he must have just had a cramp or something so I told him to lay back down and go to sleep. He then said "take my hurt with you, mama"

While eating muffins I hear "is there penis in my muffins mama?" "what?" "is there penis in my muffins, mama? Cuz I don't like penis." That is when I realized he was saying peanuts.

H was putting him to bed and he went to pinch H's cheeks. My dad does this to my kids and says "spokachonie" which drives every one nuts. We told V that he can only do that to Papa. So he when H told him he can only do that to Papa, he said "When you're a papa I can do it to you?"

When he was about 18 months old, we were at Walgreens and a very busty woman walked in wearing a very low cut shirt. My son looked at her, looked at me, and then shouted "BOOBIES!" The woman didn't hear, but the cashier did.

I will keep adding to this post as he keeps talking. He usually says at least one "blog worthy thing a day" :) AND, if I have told you something funny he said that I forgot, please let me know so I can add it :)


"I can give Baby boobies if I want to!"---I asked V to pick up his toys and he said he had to "give Baby boobies first". H said that he couldn't because he was a boy. V said "so?" and H told him that boys don't have anything. Then he said he could if he wanted to :)

we went out to breakfast and after we had eaten, he said he needed to go to the restroom. As we start walking that way, he says, very loudly "I'm gonna go make pee pees real quick, then I'm coming right back!" He repeated it several times on the way to the bathroom. On the way out, he repeated "what the hell!" I was only slightly embarrased :)

"that's why it's important to be careful, Mama"--after I accidentally knocked his cup while he was drinking. He said water went in his nose :)

"Maybe I'm not little anymore, right Mama?"

In the bathroom at a restaurant he told me that Dada could go in the stall next to us. I told him that Dada would probably need to go to the boys bathroom. He then said "Where am I makin' pee pees, Mama?" I told him we were in the girls bathroom and he looked around and asked where it said that. I told him I would show him when we left. Then he said "Oh. And I'll see it says for big boys too, right?"

"Hold me, Mama. 'Cuz I don't feel good."

"If you screw her I will bang you"--V telling H about screwdrivers and hammers

"I hafta get dirty before I get old and big, like Daddy"

"I need these underwear in my pocket incase the other ones get dirty at the park."


  1. Great idea! I think this may become one of my favorite blog posts :)

  2. You forgot about the store and V saying, "I'm a bitch, I'm a bitch." Maybe he was saying, take my pic, take my pic! Kids are funny, especially yours.

  3. I hope this doesn't post twice. I typed it out already and it didn't do anything, so take 2! You forgot about V at the store the other day with the, "I'm a bitch, I'm a bitch" comments! I bet he was saying, "take my pic, take my pic!" Kids are funny, especially yours!
