Friday, May 21, 2010

grocery shopping with kids

usually I go grocery shopping alone. All alone. It is sort of like what a day at the spa would be 3 years ago. I don't particularly enjoy grocery shopping, but I really don't like it with 2 kids in tow. M is pretty easy to keep entertained, but V is a whole other story. He is so active and just wants to run and make a mess. Taking him to the store is a lot of work. A whole lot of work.

The other day though I read something I decided to try. I made my grocery list and then found pictures of the things we were buying. I cut them out and make V his own grocery list with the pictures. I talked up the trip and how much fun it would be since he was doing the shopping. We got him his own little cart and I gave him his list and it was FABULOUS! He loved finding the things we needed and putting them in the cart. He had so much fun putting his groceries on the conveyor belt thing and I even gave him money to pay for the food. He was entertained and it was a learning experience for him. Definitely something we will do again!