Wednesday, October 13, 2010


I have been hearing a lot lately about how we are taking some huge risk by having our baby at home and it is really starting to wear on me. First, I just don't have the energy to put up a fight anymore. With 2 kids to care for and and one to grow inside, I am a tired lady! Second, it really hurts that my friends and family would think that we care so little about our family that we would put them in harms way. We have done our research about homebirth and we have decided that it is the safest option for us. We don't think we are taking a huge risk, we don't think we are being brave, we think that we are making an educated choice and taking control of how our child will come into this world.

Now, with that said, obviously we don't look down on people who choose hospitals to birth their babies. We don't judge them and tell them they are taking a huge risk by going to the hospital. We made that choice with 2 of our kids, and while I know that many hospital births are wonderful and empowering, that is not what we got from the hospital.

I don't think that women who choose an OB for care during pregnancy are being irresponsible or are crazy even though I didn't chose the OB route for our second two pregnancies. I just feel that, for me, the OB did more to harm then to help and she was really pretty unnecessary (had I not had a C/S that is).

And I don't understand why these people thing I am being so irresponsible by choosing a midwife and a homebirth. We are educated in birth and we trust in my body's ability to birth babies. We trust birth.

We do understand that there are risks associated with homebirth, but there are risks associated with hospital birth too. Just like when we chose VBAC over ERCS, we are choosing the set of risks we are most comfortable with. For our family, the risks that make more sense are those of a homebirth.


  1. Sorry about your lack of support :( Although you know you have mine! I think most people are ignorant themselves. They just believe what they hear from the media and their doctors without doing their own research.

  2. I think no matter which end of the spectrum people have opinions on, all too often they are quick to voice their judgement and opinions. I'm sorry that those around you aren't being supportive but know in the end you are making the best decision for you and your family!

  3. You are the most educated woman I know when it comes to birth, I'm sorry you don't have support from family/friends. People are scared of the unknown and, for most people, all they know concerning birth is that women use doctors and go to the hospital. You're doing what's best for your family, that's all that matters!!

  4. I think you are making a wonderful choice!

  5. thanks for the support, girls! It really means a lot!
