Saturday, October 23, 2010


the other night H and I went to the Carrie Underwood concert and realized that she and I are about the same age. So on the way home, we were talking about it and H asked me jokingly why I wasn't successful like that with a record deal making hundreds of thousands a year. I told him probably because I can't sing :)

Seriously, though, it got me thinking about what success is. I mean I have friends from high school that we sort of consider successful because they are living and working in NYC or LA or somewhere other than here, but really are they any more successful than me? Does it matter if they are working at a law firm or waiting tables? Does it matter if they are miserable or happy? Does it matter if they went to college or not? What really makes us successful?

My 10 year high school reunion is next year and if I were to go, I wonder if I would be considered a success. I mean I went to college and I graduated, so I feel like I would get a point for that, but I don't work so do I lose a point? Or if you consider the little work I do, I work for my dad so even if I worked for him full time do I lose two? What about being happy with my choices. I love being a mom. I love being a SAHM. I love taking care of my kids, my husband and my home. It makes me happy and I hope it makes my family happy too. But I sort of feel like I lose a few points for that because I don't have some bigtime job and I don't make the big bucks.

At the end of the day, it really doesn't matter what other people think. I feel like a success. When I peek in on my sleeping babies and they are resting with smiles on their faces I know I am doing something right. When I lay down in bed next to my husband and put my hand on his back, I feel at peace. In that moment, all is right in the world and I am successful.

1 comment:

  1. I've often had those same thoughts. I'd say your pretty successful. You do a wonderful job taking care of your precious family. As long as you are happy isn't that all that really matters?
