Monday, November 8, 2010

the happenings in our house

so much has been going on in our lives. H has been out of town working nearly every week and when he is in town he is working late (as in he gets home long after I am in bed). It has been hard not seeing him, but when he is home it makes it so much better :)

V has been cracking me up with everything he says and does. He has started calling everyone "honey" which is just about the cutest thing ever. I call him and M (and H too) honey so I guess he figured that is just what we do. The other night he said "Mama, will you read this book to me please, honey?" My heart melted right there!

His imagination is crazy! He is always telling me about things he is dreaming up like storms in the bathroom or dinosaurs in his bedroom. Frequently I have to go in and take them out because they scare him which is even cuter!

He has also started laying on the floor saying "help! help!" and M goes over and crawls on top of him making them both laugh hysterically! I love it!

And M, my sweet baby is not so much a baby anymore! She is just changing so much! She has taken a few steps, but really prefers to crawl. I think she realizes she is faster crawling so she just does that. But she is talking up a storm! We had an electrician over the other day fixing some stuff in our kitchen and he had is ladder up while we were eating breakfast. She kept saying "up that! up that!" The girl loves to climb! Hide-and-seek and peek-a-boo are her favorite games and I think she likes waking up early so she and I have some time just the two of us to play. She is so much fun!

And our little belly baby is growing too. It is getting harder and harder to nurse M and V is realizing that real estate on my lap is getting scarce. Plus, I am feeling some movement which is crazy to me since I hardly ever felt the kids! I usually only feel it at night (which very well could be because I just don't have the time to pay attention during the day) but I love it. I look forward to it every night.

I feel so blessed to have such a hardworking husband and such amazing little people in my life!

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