Wednesday, November 24, 2010


I have seen all over facebook people doing 25 things they are thankful for and I didn't do it on facebook, but I want to do it now. So here it is, 25 things I am thankful for this year:

1. my husband. He is the hardest working man I know and I am so thankful that he picked me to be his wife (and that I was smart enough to pick him to be my husband!). I know he loves me and our kids with everything he has and we really appreciate how hard he works for us.
2. my kids. My kids are my everything. They always make me laugh and I get so much joy from watching them interact. They love each other and I am so thankful that I get to be their mama.
3. my belly. I am so blessed to be able to experience pregnancy and birth again and I am so excited to meet the little person in my belly.
4. my birth experiences, both of them. Without one I wouldn't have the other and I am thankful for both. They have truly made me who I am today.
5. my friends. I have some of the best friends a girl could ask for. I know if I need anything I can call them and they will be there, even at 2 in the morning :)
6. my parents. They drive me batty, but they do it out of love. I know they love me and H and our kids so much and we appreciate everything they do for us.
7. my midwives. I am so thankful that they are here and supportive of VBACing mamas. Plus, I smile every time I am visiting them :)
8. hot showers. Really, is there anything better in life than a hot shower? (I'm talking the kind that leaves your a$$ red)
9. good food. I know there are so many people who don't have enough food and I am thankful that I have plenty and it is yummy too!
10. coupons. I am thankful that I am able to save our family money with coupons.
11. Dave Ramsey. Had we not met Dave 5 years ago, I don't know where we would be. It is nice that what used to be an emergency is now just an inconvenience.
12. our house. I know it is not finished, but I am thankful that we have a house to keep us warm in the winter and cool in the summer.
13. our cars. They aren't the coolest or the most expensive, but they get us where we need to go and I am thankful for that.
14. sleep. I don't get much of it lately, but when I do I LOVE it!
15. our health. Our family is mostly healthy and I am so thankful for our health.
16. my OCD tendencies. They bug me a lot, but really, I am thankful that it keeps me organized
17. hand sanitizer. I love that when one of my kids touches something gross I can get their hands sort of clean, even if there isn't soap and water around.
18. a clean house. My house isn't always clean, but I am glad that I have the time to keep it mostly clean.
19. my education. Even though I don't use my degrees, I am glad I have them.
20. my kids toys. They keep them entertained so I can get dinner made or laundry thrown in the washer or the floor vacuumed.
21. my washer/dryer and dishwasher. I can't imagine having to do stuff by hand or having to take laundry elsewhere to be washed.
22. cloth diapers. I love how cute my babies look with their big cloth diaper bums!
23. the Internet. So many questions can be answered in a matter of seconds with this cool technology.
24. automatic bill pay. I love that I don't have to think about paying bills anymore.
25. that I have so much to be thankful for. My list could go on and on, and I am so thankful that it could.


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