Monday, March 1, 2010

For Starters

So, I decided to jump on this bloging bandwagon. First, I have no technological skills at all, so getting this far is amazing to me!

Anyway, so much has changed in my life in the past 6-ish years and I want to make sure I don't forget the important stuff. I feel like I have had some very defining moments, but with two kids to chase after (yes, I have to chase after BOTH of them now!) I am quickly losing brain cells. I am afraid that in 5 years I won't remember some things that are so important now and I want to be be able to tell my kids about them in the future.

So, basically, this blog is for me to keep track of our lives and maybe vent a little (okay, maybe a lot) about all my "crunchy" ways.

This leads me into the title of my blog. I do things my way. I have always sort of marched to the beat of my own drummer, but since I got pregnant with V, I have sort of taken things a little farther. But I will write more about that later...

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