Tuesday, April 20, 2010

the things that come out of my kids mouth...

are really really funny most of the time. I think I am going to update this post with the things he says that I know I will want to remember. Some of the funniest things I'm sure I have already forgotten...

The other night he was giving M hugs and kisses and said "I love you, Brother." We explained to him that he is her brother and she is his sister. Then he laid down next to her and said "I'm your sister." Totally cute!

I asked him why M was crying the other day. "M's dada ran away and she's sad."

"OH NO! Dada put a handle on the door!" He was devastated when he realized I can now lock the bedroom door :)

He woke up in the middle of the night and when I went in to him, he told me he hurt. I asked him where and he pointed to his hip. I thought he must have just had a cramp or something so I told him to lay back down and go to sleep. He then said "take my hurt with you, mama"

While eating muffins I hear "is there penis in my muffins mama?" "what?" "is there penis in my muffins, mama? Cuz I don't like penis." That is when I realized he was saying peanuts.

H was putting him to bed and he went to pinch H's cheeks. My dad does this to my kids and says "spokachonie" which drives every one nuts. We told V that he can only do that to Papa. So he when H told him he can only do that to Papa, he said "When you're a papa I can do it to you?"

When he was about 18 months old, we were at Walgreens and a very busty woman walked in wearing a very low cut shirt. My son looked at her, looked at me, and then shouted "BOOBIES!" The woman didn't hear, but the cashier did.

I will keep adding to this post as he keeps talking. He usually says at least one "blog worthy thing a day" :) AND, if I have told you something funny he said that I forgot, please let me know so I can add it :)


"I can give Baby boobies if I want to!"---I asked V to pick up his toys and he said he had to "give Baby boobies first". H said that he couldn't because he was a boy. V said "so?" and H told him that boys don't have anything. Then he said he could if he wanted to :)

we went out to breakfast and after we had eaten, he said he needed to go to the restroom. As we start walking that way, he says, very loudly "I'm gonna go make pee pees real quick, then I'm coming right back!" He repeated it several times on the way to the bathroom. On the way out, he repeated "what the hell!" I was only slightly embarrased :)

"that's why it's important to be careful, Mama"--after I accidentally knocked his cup while he was drinking. He said water went in his nose :)

"Maybe I'm not little anymore, right Mama?"

In the bathroom at a restaurant he told me that Dada could go in the stall next to us. I told him that Dada would probably need to go to the boys bathroom. He then said "Where am I makin' pee pees, Mama?" I told him we were in the girls bathroom and he looked around and asked where it said that. I told him I would show him when we left. Then he said "Oh. And I'll see it says for big boys too, right?"

"Hold me, Mama. 'Cuz I don't feel good."

"If you screw her I will bang you"--V telling H about screwdrivers and hammers

"I hafta get dirty before I get old and big, like Daddy"

"I need these underwear in my pocket incase the other ones get dirty at the park."

Saturday, April 10, 2010

50 things

so a few of my friends blogged about their kids. 50 things about them and I liked the idea so I am totally jacking it (thanks Tavia, Cati, and Brittney!)

50 things about V

1. He has to give everyone a hug and a kiss each night before bed. Sometimes we all get more than one hug and kiss. I love it.
2. He sleeps with a Thunder basketball and every stuffed animal he can find. He calls them his friends.
3. We read, rock, and sing Hush Little Baby every night before bed.
4. “But I waaaaaant yoooouuu.” is his favorite thing to say
5. He loves “Spiderman Bars” which are fruit snacks. Especially “Lightening McQueen Spiderman Bars”
6. He uses the potty by himself now, but he still wears a diaper to bed because we got tired of changing sheets. He has only woken up dry once. He wears underwear for naps though and does fine.
7. He weighs 25 lbs and is getting so tall.
8. He loves to parent M and tell her what she can and can’t do
9. He asks me every day if I did my “dance video” or my “workout video.” If I didn’t he says I should do it and he will watch and eat a Spiderman Bar
10. He loves going to the park
11. He calls magnets maggots and pretzels prentsels
12. He has friends that he calls by name and asks to play with them
13. He remembers everything
14. And he repeats everything
15. He likes to throw things and hit
16. He melts down each time he gets sent to time-out
17. He climbs on anything and everything
18. He likes to help Dada fix things
19. He calls H and me by our first names most of the time, even though he knows we don’t like it
20. He loves Cars, Spiderman, Robots, and Mickey Mouse
21. He can count to 11 by himself and then starts over again with 8 so it goes something like 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-10-11-8-9-10-11-8-9-10-11
22. If you prompt him with 12 after 11, he can count to 20
23. He sometimes says eleven-teen
24. The first thing he asks for each morning is M. He wants to know if she is awake or still sleeping
25. He likes to eat “the ones with the faces on it” which are Frosted Mini Wheats for breakfast
26. He doesn’t sit in a high chair in a restaurant anymore
27. But he still sits rearfacing in his carseat
28. Sometimes, he asks me to take him out of the car in his carseat like I do M
29. He takes his shoes off every.single.time we get in the car
30. He likes to pick out his own clothes and usually matches
31. He likes to wear his sandals
32. He likes his underwear on backwards so he can see the cars
33. He often says “I’m just gonna play for a few minutes first”
34. He loves triangles
35. and the colors green and orange
36. He knows his colors
37. and can identify some letters
38. He recognizes his written name
39. He likes to talk on the phone to Daddy, Mimi, and Auntie
40. If I am cooking, he asks me what I am making for him
41. He gets upset if Dada puts his toys away in the wrong place
42. He loves to play guitar and drums
43. He says Kevin Durant and Rumble are his friends
44. He hides in his tent when he gets scared
45. He says “noooo! I don’t” when he gets into trouble
46. He likes to clean
47. and he likes coupons
48. He likes to “hold sumfin” when we go to the store
49. He loves when I let him pay
50. He loves the Dallas Stars and the Thunder

50 things about M

1. She laughs when I tickle her on her upper back
2. She loves to chew on her toes
3. She always sticks her hands in her poop when I change her diaper
4. V is probably her favorite person (after me, but, only when she is hungry)
5. She has eaten avocado, banana, and squash and likes all three
6. She has 2 bottom teeth
7. She loves to snuggle
8. She play peek-a-boo by herself and always laughs out loud
9. She doesn’t like it when I put bows in her hair
10. But she has no problem with hats
11. She likes to pull her socks off
12. She sits in a high chair even though she doesn’t eat
13. She loves to throw stuff on the floor for us to pick up
14. Everything goes in her mouth
15. She loves to play with paper
16. She really wants to crawl and has almost figured it out
17. She loves to bounce
18. She hates her carseat
19. She weighs 16 lbs
20. She says “dada” and “baba” which mean nothing, but she repeats it all the time
21. She rubs her eyes when she is tired
22. She always wakes up happy
23. She loves getting a bath until she has to get washed, so really she just likes playing in the water
24. She doesn’t like to be put up in the air
25. She loves to be held. All.the.time.
26. She has started drinking water out of a cup
27. She likes to suck on her “sucky”
28. She likes to bang
29. She loves to read and be read to
30. I can usually make her smile just by smiling at her
31. She doesn’t like wearing pants
32. She can get from sitting to her belly all by herself
33. She loves to play with nesting cups
34. She nurses all through the night
35. She hates if someone else covers her face, but she likes to do it to herself
36. She doesn’t like it if she can’t see me
37. She thinks people in masks are funny
38. She gets excited when Dada comes home from work
39. She gets excited when we pick Brother up from school
40. She likes to watch other kids
41. She loves to give kisses
42. She has started biting and thinks its funny
43. She likes having lotion put on
44. She likes to chew on her rubber duckie
45. She doesn’t like to nap
46. She likes when I take her to library by herself
47. But she loves going with Brother too
48. She doesn’t like to watch me cook
49. She sleeps with one leg over the blanket and one leg under
50. She loves when V blows raspberries on her belly

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Dating again...

my husband that is! Since we have had M, our dating life has been pretty non-existent. We have date nights at home every so often, but it is hard to relax and enjoy when there are 6 laundry baskets full of clothes waiting to be folded staring me in the face or a sink full of dishes to be done or sticky floors needing to be mopped. I have to get out of the house. We have gone out a few times without V, but since I loathe the pump, M comes with and we haven't been out totally alone in a long while.

Well, last night we went to a basketball game together. Alone together. It was fabulous! We went out to dinner before the game and as we ordered drinks, we realized that it has been nearly 4 years since we have had a drink together! FOUR YEARS, people!!! Needless to say, we enjoyed our beers together and the adult conversation. No noses to wipe, no mouths to feed, to questions to answer 75 times. FABULOUS I tell you!

It is so nice to be able to date my husband. Sometimes I think I forget how to be his wife because I am so busy being the mother to his babies. It was great to remember! We have another date planned for Saturday night and I am excited. I don't know what we are going to do, but I am giddy about it. Like when we first started dating giddy. It's sad, really, but not at the same time.

We have fallen into a "marriage rut" before, and I find that when we are in these ruts, we fight more and are just not as happy. I think it is so important to remember why we fell in love and got married and dating helps us do that.

I married an amazing man and I sometimes forget that. We have been together over 9 years and sometimes we just get to used to each other that we forget why we are together. I get so used to him working hard and taking care of us that I don't realize how hard he is working. I need to remember to thank him more often and let him know how much I appreciate him. I find that that keeps us out of our ruts a bit.

Now, though, there is a mess on the desk that I must get picked up while H works on cleaning out the garage so I can park my car in it again. The work must be done so I can relax on Saturday :)