Tuesday, January 24, 2012

he remembers!

One of my greatest fears is that my kids won't remember S.  I know that G won't remember him.  If he were to walk in the door right now, she would have no idea who he was.  It breaks my heart.  I feel like V and M have at least a shot at remembering their Daddy though.  I ask them about him a lot and lately I have been trying to get them to tell me what they remember about their Daddy.  All V would say for t he longest time was that remembers him and that he remembers him pooping.  Yes, pooping.  V is going through a stage where poop is the coolest thing ever.  Ugh.  Anyway, M just mimics her brother so it was getting no where.

Then, the other day, I decided to ask them if they remembered specific things instead of leaving the questions so open ended.  I asked V if he remembered making pizza with Daddy.  He said yes.  Then I asked him what the weather was like when they made the pizza (it was a blizzard and S stayed home from work).  He said he didn't know.  I was so disappointed.  He didn't really remember making the pizza.  Then, he went on to say that Daddy used the rolling pin, but wouldn't let him use it.  But he let him punch the pizza dough.  He remembered!  He remembers little bits of his Daddy.  I so hope he is able to keep those memories.

I have a terrible memory.  I really do.  But S had a good one.  He remembered all sorts of things.  V is like his Daddy in that sense I think.   He remembers things I have forgotten.  I hope  he stays that way.

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